• Hi!
    I'm Saiful

    Welcome to my Personal Development Era.

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  • I am
    a Full Stack Software Developer

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About Me

Who Am I?

Hello, I'm Saiful Islam, a dedicated Full Stack Software Developer with a passion for crafting scalable and efficient solutions. My journey in the world of software development has equipped me with a diverse skill set, allowing me to excel in various facets of web development.
Here's a glimpse of my expertise:

Backend Development:
I specialize in backend development using Node.js, Express.js, and Koa.js. I have hands-on experience in building RESTful APIs and microservices, ensuring robust and performant server-side solutions.
Frontend Development:
I thrive in the frontend realm, utilizing React.js and Next.js to create responsive and user-friendly web applications. I'm proficient in UI frameworks like Material-UI, Bootstrap, BlueprintJs, and Tailwind CSS, enabling me to craft visually appealing and intuitive user interfaces.
Database Management:
Data is the backbone of any application, and I've got it covered. My skills extend to database management with MongoDB, DynamoDB, PostgreSQL, and MySQL, guaranteeing data integrity and optimal performance.
Cloud Era:
Cloud Expertise: I'm well-versed in cloud services, particularly AWS. I leverage technologies like AWS Lambda, S3, and SQS to design and implement robust cloud-based solutions, harnessing the power of the cloud for scalable applications.
Security-First Approach:
I prioritize security in application development, implementing robust authentication and authorization using JWT, AWS Cognito, Firebase Auth, and NextAuth to keep data and systems safe.
Collaborative Development:
Strong version control skills with Git and extensive experience with GitHub enable me to excel in collaborative software development, fostering efficient teamwork and code management.
Project Management:
I'm proficient in project management tools like Jira and Trello, allowing me to effectively plan, track, and manage project workflows and tasks, ensuring that projects are delivered on time and within scope.
I'm passionate about solving complex problems and delivering innovative solutions. Let's connect and explore opportunities to work together on exciting projects!


My Weapons

AWS Elastic Search
Stripe payment
SSL payment

Work Experience

Software Engineer 1/2023 - Present

KoaJs, ReactJs, Redux toolkit, docker, Dynamodb, and Microsoft Dynamics(CRM), Jest Duties/Responsibilities
- Mainly build membership RestAPIs for KYC using KoaJs for customer onboarding.
- Adjust UI according to new API.
- Update CRM to sync the database and CRM.
- Write unit test using Jest.
-RND for internal product and also write SRS to Database Design.

Full Stack Software Developer 2/2021 - 12/22

Working with various feature requests and enhancements for the poster product of the company, which is a Digital Prescription writing desktop application. Had to indulge myself in the following tech stack: GraphQL, REST API, Elasticsearch, ExpressJS, AWS (Amplify, Cognito, S3, Serverless, and DynamoDB), CI/CD (Github Actions), TypeScript, ReactJS, IndexedDB, Dexie.js, Apollo GraphQL, Electron, MaterialUi, React query and PWA etc. Currently, playing a vital role in building internal monitoring tools from scratch for efficient decision making. Lastly, helped lay out the ground work to port the Digital Prescription Writing software into a Web application for further customer outreach.

Full Stack Developer 10/2018 - 11/2018

For my industrial attachment purpose,I had an opportunity for working on an IT company where I have design and developed a blog site by html,css, bootstrap, MySQL, PHP. I had to submit an assignment based on R&D on an existing website.I did also debugging a website during development

My Work

Recent Work

Dream PC Builder

Technology: NextJs, next-auth, ExpressJs, Mongoose, Redux toolkit with RTK query, firebase authentication

Live Demo Github

Hot Onion Restaurant

Technology: HTML, Css, Bootstrap,,NodejS,Express.js,Stripe Payment System,MongoDB.

Live Demo Github

Doctors Portal

Technology: HTML, CSS, React, Bootstrap, express.js, MongoDB etc.

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Ema-Jhon Simple

Technology: HTML, CSS, React, Bootstrap, LocalStorage, express.js, MongoDB etc.

Live Demo Github

Friends Fair Society

Technology: HTML, CSS, React, Bootstrap, LocalStorage etc.

Live Demo Github

Covid-19 Tracker

Technology: HTML, CSS, React, Bootstrap, bar-chart, Third party Api integration etc.

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Hot Gadget

Technology: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap etc

Live Demo Github


Recent Blog

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